特么的很蛋疼,Kendo UI 改起来非常麻烦,有些控件还不是很完善,代码层次分量非常大,建议新手是暂时不要接触这个框架。
dataSource: { type: "json",//jsonp transport: { read: {url:data.actionDirect,dataType: "json"}//必须要加json,不然读取不了数据 }, pageSize: 10, serverPaging: true, schema: //用来指定model数据,不加这2个参数则报错{data:"columndata",total:"totals"}//kendo.stringify(data.columndata) },
_tmpl: function(rowTemplate, alt) { ..... ..... for (idx = 0; idx < length; idx++) { column = that.columns[idx]; template = column.template; type = typeof template; rowTemplate += "<td" + stringifyAttributes(column.attributes) + " style='text-align:center' role='gridcell'>";//表格内容TD rowTemplate += that._cellTmpl(column, state); rowTemplate += "</td>"; } rowTemplate += "</tr>";
_cellTmpl: function(column, state) { ..... ..... } else if (type === STRING && template!="") {//为空则返回 html += template;
4、column:[{id:'1',menu:false}] //筛选列隐藏,'false'也隐藏:
_ownerColumns: function() { var columns = this.owner.columns, menuColumns = grep(columns, function(col) { var result = true, title = trim(col.title || ""); if ((col.menu === false || col.menu === "false") || !col.field && !title.length) {//字符串也返回空 result = false; } return result; });
_tap: function(e) { var target = $(e.target), that = this, ctrlKey = e.event.ctrlKey, multiple = that.options.multiple, shiftKey = multiple && e.event.shiftKey, selected, whichCode = e.event.which, buttonCode = e.event.button; //in case of hierarchy or right-click if (target.closest("." + SELECTABLE)[0] !== that.element[0] || whichCode && whichCode == 3 || buttonCode && buttonCode == 2) { return; } selected = target.hasClass(SELECTED); if (selected && !ctrlKey) { that._unselect(target); that._notify(CHANGE); return; }//9516
6、remote grid 加page 事件:
dataSource: { type: "json",//jsonp transport: { read: {url:data.actionDirect,dataType: "json"} }, pageSize: 10, serverPaging: true, schema:{data:"columndata",total:"totals"}//kendo.stringify(data.columndata) },
if (filterable && !that.options.columnMenu) {//不能并存,否则会覆盖掉columnMenu菜单 that.thead.find("th:not(.k-hierarchy-cell,.k-group-cell)").each(function(index) { ... //可以在这里解析字符串为json cell.kendoFilterMenu(extend(true, {}, filterable, columns[index].filterable, { dataSource: that.dataSource, values: columns[index].values, closeCallback: closeCallback, init: function(e) { that.trigger(FILTERMENUINIT, { field: e.field, container: e.container }); } })); } }); }
schema:{ data:"columndata", total:"totals", model:{ fields:{ createDate:{type:"date"}, personalBirthday:{type:"date"}, personalJoindate:{type:"date"} } }
$("#grid").kendoGrid({ columns: [ { field: "productName" }, { field: "category", values: '[{ text: "Beverages", value: 1 },{ text: "Food", value: 2 }]' }//加引号无法解析 ], dataSource: [ { productName: "Tea", category: 1 }, { productName: "Ham", category: 2 } ] });
_cellTmpl: function(column, state) { var that = this, settings = extend({}, kendo.Template, that.options.templateSettings), template = column.template, paramName = settings.paramName, field = column.field, html = "", idx, length, format = column.format, type = typeof template, columnValues = eval(column.values);////解析column:[... values配置变量] if (column.command) { .....
_toolbar: function() { var that = this, wrapper = that.wrapper, toolbar = that.options.toolbar, editable = that.options.editable, container; if (editable && editable.create !== false) { container.on(CLICK + NS, ".k-grid-add", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); .... }.on(CLICK + NS, ".k-grid-edit", function(e) {//样式名称在_createButton函数中随意定义 e.preventDefault(); if($("tbody>tr:not(.k-detail-row,.k-grouping-row):visible.k-state-selected").closest("tr").length<1){ kendo.ui.ExtAlertDialog.show({ title: "提示!", message: "请选择需要修改的记录!", icon: "k-ext-information" }); return; } that.editRow($("tbody>tr:not(.k-detail-row,.k-grouping-row):visible.k-state-selected").closest("tr"));//编辑当前行 });
_createPopupEditor: function(model) { var that = this, html = "<div " + kendo.attr("uid") + '="' + model.uid + '"><div class="k-edit-form-container">', column, command, fields = [], idx, length, tmpl, updateText, cancelText, tempCommand, attr, editable = that.options.editable, template = editable.template, options = isPlainObject(editable) ? editable.window : {}, settings = extend({}, kendo.Template, that.options.templateSettings); .... .... else {//添加模版//修改模版 for (idx = 0, length = that.columns.length; idx < length; idx++) { column = that.columns[idx]; if (!column.command) { html += '<div '+(column.tmplEditable===true||column.tmplEditable==="true" ? "" : "style=display:none" )+' class="k-edit-label"><label for="' + column.field + '">' + (column.title || column.field || "") + "</label></div>"; if ((!model.editable || model.editable(column.field)) && column.field) { fields.push({ field: column.field, format: column.format, editor: column.editor, values: column.values });//修改模版隐藏字段不允许编辑 html += "<div " + kendo.attr("container-for") + '="' + column.field + '" ' + (column.tmplEditable===true||column.tmplEditable==="true" ? "" : "style=display:none" ) + ' class="k-edit-field"></div>';
refresh: function() { var that = this, idx, length, fields = that.options.fields || [], container = that.options.clearContainer ? that.element.empty() : that.element, model = that.options.model || {}, rules = {}, field, isObject, fieldName, modelField, modelFields, STRING = "string"; if (!$.isArray(fields)) { fields = [ fields ]; } for (idx = 0, length = fields.length; idx < length; idx++) { field = fields[idx]; isObject = isPlainObject(field); field.values = field.values ? eval(field.values) : ""; //默认添加修改模版,【column设置】-values无法解析为字键映射 fieldName = isObject ? field.field : field; modelField = (model.fields || model)[fieldName]; addValidationRules(modelField, rules); //修改模版中通过editor字符串配置创建对应函数解析对象 field.editor = (typeof field.editor == STRING && field.editor != "") ? eval(field.editor) : field.editor;//"editor:'editors.number,date|string|boolean|values'" that.editor(field, modelField);//这一步解析的html
纠结了一下午,kendo控件无法解析,是因为<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> 这句话,新建HTML默认写上的,没注意
解决方法:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 5 Transitional//EN">
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