
发布于 2016-05-03  54.47k 次阅读

 * 文件名    
 * 版本信息:    
 * 日期:2016年5月2日    
 * Copyright aukeys ShenZhen Corporation 2016     
 * 版权所有    
package com.erp.service.aliexpress.test;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;

 * 项目名称:smterp
 * 类名称:NaturalOrderComparator
 * 类描述: 创建人:wilkey
 * 创建时间:2016年5月2日 下午11:22:36 
 * 修改人:wilkey
 * 修改时间:2016年5月2日 下午11:22:36 
 * 修改备注:
 * @version
public class NaturalOrderComparator implements Comparator<Object> {
	int compareRight(String a, String b) {
		int bias = 0;
		int ia = 0;
		int ib = 0;

		// The longest run of digits wins. That aside, the greatest
		// value wins, but we can't know that it will until we've scanned
		// both numbers to know that they have the same magnitude, so we
		// remember it in BIAS.
		for (;; ia++, ib++) {
			char ca = charAt(a, ia);
			char cb = charAt(b, ib);

			if (!Character.isDigit(ca) && !Character.isDigit(cb)) {
				return bias;
			} else if (!Character.isDigit(ca)) {
				return -1;
			} else if (!Character.isDigit(cb)) {
				return +1;
			} else if (ca < cb) {
				if (bias == 0) {
					bias = -1;
			} else if (ca > cb) {
				if (bias == 0)
					bias = +1;
			} else if (ca == 0 && cb == 0) {
				return bias;

	public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
		String a = o1.toString();
		String b = o2.toString();

		int ia = 0, ib = 0;
		int nza = 0, nzb = 0;
		char ca, cb;
		int result;

		while (true) {
			// only count the number of zeroes leading the last number compared
			nza = nzb = 0;

			ca = charAt(a, ia);
			cb = charAt(b, ib);

			// skip over leading spaces or zeros
			while (Character.isSpaceChar(ca) || ca == '0') {
				if (ca == '0') {
				} else {
					// only count consecutive zeroes
					nza = 0;

				ca = charAt(a, ++ia);

			while (Character.isSpaceChar(cb) || cb == '0') {
				if (cb == '0') {
				} else {
					// only count consecutive zeroes
					nzb = 0;

				cb = charAt(b, ++ib);

			// process run of digits
			if (Character.isDigit(ca) && Character.isDigit(cb)) {
				if ((result = compareRight(a.substring(ia), b.substring(ib))) != 0) {
					return result;

			if (ca == 0 && cb == 0) {
				// The strings compare the same. Perhaps the caller
				// will want to call strcmp to break the tie.
				return nza - nzb;

			if (ca < cb) {
				return -1;
			} else if (ca > cb) {
				return +1;


	static char charAt(String s, int i) {
		if (i >= s.length()) {
			return 0;
		} else {
			return s.charAt(i);

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String[] strings = new String[] { "1-2", "1-02", "1-20", "10-20", "fred", "jane", "pic01", "pic2", "pic02", "pic02a", "pic3", "pic4", "pic 4 else", "pic 5", "pic05", "pic 5",
				"pic 5 something", "pic 6", "pic   7", "pic100", "pic100a", "pic120", "pic121", "pic02000", "tom", "x2-g8", "x2-y7", "x2-y08", "x8-y8" };
		String fileNames[] = { "14:29", "14:29,200000124:200000285", "14:29,200000124:1394", "14:29,200000124:153", "14:29,200000124:200000286", "14:1052,200000124:1394",
				"14:1052,200000124:200000285", "14:1052,200000124:153", "14:1052,200000124:200000286", "14:1052,200000124:698" };

		List orig = Arrays.asList(strings);
		List st = Arrays.asList(fileNames);

		System.out.println("Original: " + orig);

		List scrambled = Arrays.asList(strings);

		System.out.println("Scrambled: " + scrambled);

		Collections.sort(orig, new NaturalOrderComparator());
		Collections.sort(st, new NaturalOrderComparator());

		System.out.println("Sorted: " + orig);
		System.out.println("Sorted: " + st);